Tuesday 9 April 2013

San Sebastian & Bordeaux

Sorry have been a bit busy and haven't updated for a few days...
Travelled fom Tolosa to San Sebastian on Easter Monday. Only a short trip for a change so had the afternoon to look around the old city. Late afternoon we caught a bus to a medieval town - Hondaribbia - some lovely old structures once again, but it was one cathedral too far for Dave, he didn't bother going through it. You can actually see France across the water which I found quite strange.  Went down to the fishermans street and had a wine and calamari then bussed back home. Only the one day here. Next day destination France.
Took train to just over the border - Hondaye, then caught train to Bordeaux. 2 days here. Lovely city with a nice feel to it (apart from lots of dog poo on the pavements), Dave had his strength back and we went through Bordeaux Cathedral and St Michel's, both amazing buildings. Unfortunately the stained glass windows don't seem to show up very well on our tablet photos. Just wandering around looking at the old apartment buildings as well was interesting.

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