Thursday 11 April 2013

Breakfast 5km and Marathon Day

The reason for our detour to Paris, pre-marathon fun (?) run/walk the day before, then Chris and Kerry running the Paris Marathon.  The city really turns it on with lots of fanfare and music, groups of drummers encouraging people all round the course.  Someone forgot to tell all the others in the 5km event  that it wasn't just a run! We had our walking sandals on and had to break into the odd bit of jogging to stay in sight. Still the roads were closed off and it was a bit of fun.
Afterwards went sightseeing in the afternoon, then picked up Janine for sightseeing at night, walked kilometres and left marathoners to sleep.
During marathon we walked miles again sightseeing, saw the girls at 25km then at the finish. Finished our day with a trip to Montmatre, then a celebratory dinner with the runners and farewells as we head off back to Spain.

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