Tuesday 30 April 2013

Florence Day 2/3

The unimaginable happened, we signed on for an organised day trip that was taking in a few things we wanted to do.  We were intending to hire a car, but opted to be driven instead.  Looking at the roads around the area I suspect we may have had a few navigation challenges doing a self-drive. We saw:
San Gimignano, a well preserved medieval town. We read about it in 'The Road Less Travelled' book but it is definitely well ensconced in the tourist trail...
Next we drove through the Chianti Region and to a winery for a light lunch and wine tasting.  Beautiful wines which we could have shipped back to NZ for a mere 35 euros a bottle! Saved our money.
Siena was next. Another town with lots of history. An important stop on the trade and pilgrimage route to Rome.  Black Plague wiped out 75% of the town's populaion in 1348. It also hosts a horse race, the 'Palio' around the central piazza once a year. They put sand down over the cobble stones.  Very intensely fought race between the 9 districts of Siena.
Last stop was Monteriggiano, a well preserved fort used by Siena in the wars between Florence and Siena and because it was well positioned /defended it suffered little damage. 45 families still live within  its walls.
By the time we got through all the o  the bus, off the bus routines we decided that may be  our last organised tour...  A long day.

Next morning went to see Michaelangelo's David, pretty impressive standing next to it. Then on the train to Rome.

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