Tuesday 30 April 2013


We were both feeling a bit 'touristed out' when we hit Rome. This wasn't helped by our booking.com directions to the hotel sending us on a long wild goose chase that resulted in us walking probably about 3 kms with our bags. We ended up catching a taxi and finding it that way!
Next morning we bought an all day metro pass and spent the day hopping on and off at various spots we wanted to see.  We couldn't be bothered queueing for ages and paying lots of entry fees, so we did a cheap version of Rome. We have also been spoilt by already seeing lots of roman ruins during our travels so far, without the crowds and high entry costs.
We took a few pics to show we had been there - Colosseum, Vatican Trevi Fountain etc, just had to forgo actually seeing the Cistine Chapel.

We did discover a really neat church hidden behind a partial ancient frontage, inside was amazing. These sort of accidental discoveries are often more rewarding than seeing what we expect to see in the 'must see' tourist hot spots.

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