Saturday 20 July 2013


Decided to pay a visit to this small country / duchy, just because we could, and looking online there seemed to be a few interesting things to see there. Managed to book into a hotel directly above a bar, and not the quietest street, but it was one of the cheaper options.  We have come back into the 'high cost' area for this part of our trip. Bit of a shock after eastern Europe.
We had been moving reasonably fast in the last few days so got off to a leisurely late morning start armed with some info. centre maps.  Managed to see the local Notre Dame and then St Michaels church which started out in 987 and has gone few through a few iterations since. Also clambered around in the Casemates which are a series of underground tunnels and rooms under the old castle area.  Lots of tricky little steps and spiral staircases to negotiate, but some great views out over the town from the various defence holes.  We were wandering along the Corniche, which overlooks a lower part of the old city and the river, and were directed to a great little pub by the river - Scott's.  That is about where our tour of Luxembourg ended.... We met a Yorkshireman and an Irishwoman from Belfast, an entertaining couple, so we sat in the sun chatting with them and occasionally popping inside to wind up a group of Aussies who were watching the 1st Ashes test.  Afternoon drifted into evening, then we made our way home.  Kind of derailed the sightseeing, but it was a good tonic for us. Only the 1 night /2 days here, next stop Belgium.

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