Saturday 13 July 2013

Czech Republic

There were only 2 places that we really wanted to go to in CR, didn't feel like just wandering through the country.
Cesky Krumlov
In the south of the country.  Not a lot of options for going directly to Cesky Krumlov from Vienna so we opted for a door to door shuttle service.  Not too badly priced, but he drive has to be one of the worst I've ever experienced.  The driver seemed to think he was a rally driver and obviously had no regard for passenger comfort!  The reward for enduring this was the arrival in a 'chocolate box' town.  You can see why it is another UNESCO world heritage site with well preserved medieval houses clustered together. Admittedly they have all been polished up to look their best, but to see them all side to side was fantastic. The river winds in and around the town providing a great backdrop.  There was a big castle on the hill (2nd biggest in Czech, after Prague) which we wandered in and around, including seeing an exhibiton in the cellars / underground rooms of the castle. (Interesting artist,  Miroslav Paral, the accompanying narratives to his work were intriguing.  Might have to read more about him later). The castle had a  bear moat with 2 unfortunate bears in it, they looked very bored. There was also a brewery in he town which dates back to 1560.  We somehow ended up drinking with the local crew, the tourists were all up the hill a bit. Discovered really nice doughnuts that were made in front of you - dough wrapped around a pipe, then baked over hot elements (not deep fried), then smothered in cinnamon and sugar, just in case they were looking healthy! Only had 1 day /night here, small town, but definitely worth a look.
Luxury bus to Prague, such a relief after the previous trip. Relaxed at the hotel until early evening then headed for the Old Town and main Squares.  Bought a 24 hour pass so we could hop on and off all the next day too. Discovered that Prague also seems to be a favoured destination for stag and hen nights.....
As we hit the main square the buildings were just as Dave had been picturing them from images previously seen.  We joined the throngs of other tourists wandering over the Charles Bridge (so much for the theory of going in the evening to dodge the crowds!), a great place to wander with lots of artists, handcrafts and the odd musician all providing entertainment.  Spent a bit of time in the main square watching the various street performers then metro'd home.  The next day was mostly spent exploring the castle and surrounding area. Stag moat, but no stags.
Had to check out at 10am the next day so stowed our bags at the station and set off to fill in 8 hours in the sun. Revisited a few favourite spots, paddle boated on the river and ate late lunch, then dinner, in reasonably quick succession, before boarding our overnight train to cross Germany....

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