Saturday 6 July 2013

Bratislava - (back in Slovakia)

We caught an overnight train from Krakow to Bratislava, it left at 10 pm and arrived at 5.38 am, a very tricky time to arrive when check in time is 2pm. (We managed to fill in 1 hour by struggling to interpret our directions!) Fortunately the cafe next door looked after our bags and we did a bit of wandering in the Old Town, not too much though as we weren't exactly fresh and full of energy after the train (bottom bunk good, 4 strangers snoring and rustling, not so good)
Got to check in early around 11ish, clean up and siesta... bliss.  Finished our Old Town wanderings after the siesta. We continue to be impressed by old buildings,  nicely painted up as in other cities, but there were also some quirky bits of art that popped up in amongst them.  Quiet night with dinner right next door.
Reinvigorated the next morning, we walked down to the Danube and checked out a boat trip to Vienna, then bussed out to Devin Castle which is on the Danube where it meets with the Morova River.  Some nice castle ruins with a bit of sympathetic restoration work under way. Then back into town and had a look at Bratislava Castle. It was only rebuilt in the 1950's after being destfoyed by fire in thd 1800's, so a bit 'fresh', great views back over town though.

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