Friday 30 August 2013

Mysore and Calicut

Arrived in Mysore after our 7 hour bus trip.  It's amazing how the bus drivers handle their vehicles, they are never content to sit behind a slow vehicle,  they just pull out to pass in the most unimaginable places, tooting their horn flat out. Most of the time a gap just seems to materialise for them.
First traffic lights we have seen in India!
Our hotel was just a 5 minute walk from the bus station.  Long enough to be propositioned by numerous tuk tuk drivers, one of whom gave us his card and a good price for a tour. Decided to just have an easy day first up, so walked to the zoo and spent about 3 hours wandering around there. Nothing particularly unusual there but it was well laid out with about 5 km of paths to wander around. An easy way to spend the day.
The next day we phoned our tuk tuk guy, who sent his brother to do the job.  He took us up the Chamundi Hills which had a famous temple,  plus a great view back down over Mysore. On the way up he offered Dave a go at driving the tuk tuk.  After a couple of kms and a few crunched gears he took over again.  We then got taken around a series of various 'handcrafted' factories. They were in an older part of Mysore so we got to see some interesting sights between visits. Watched them hand rolling their local 'beeti' cigarettes (all natural tobacco, no additives!) Amazing speed and all the same size, could roll up to 2000 a day. Next was an essential oils place where there was also a woman hand rolling incense sticks.  It looked simple, but I discovered, when I had a go, that it obviously takes a lot of practise. She could roll up to 2500 a day. Then on to the obligatory arts and craft place where we actually went a bit mad. So many beautiful scarves, pashminas, jewellery etc.  Picked up some scarves and a beautiful turquoise and silver bracelet. Just as well it is not much longer that we have to drag our packs. We have been quite restrained (or constrained, due to pack size!) up to now. Next was a sandalwood factory where we managed to resist buying anything. Finished off the day with a wander around the Mysore Palace, another example of faded glory. Unfortunately we weren't able to photograph inside as some of the ballrooms and state rooms were still impressive.  The cost for the tuk tuk for all this touring around for 5 hours or so.... 200 rupee ($4) - we actually gave him an extra 100 rupee as he had been a good tour guide.
Mysore to Calicut (Kozikhode)
Another luxury bus trip. Only 6 hours this time, but it had other challenges! We looked out of the window at one stage and realised we had been climbing, and were now at the very top of a large hill.  Going down involved negotiating 9 hairpin bends, some of which the bus had to back up and take a second stab, before getting around.  Sweaty palms until we had safely made it down to the bottom. We also drove through a National Park / Reserve, and could see spotted deer and a few monkeys as we went along.  Calicut was just a staging post on our way to Fort Kochi, not really a must see destination.  Nevertheless we went for one of our wanders and found ourselves walking through what seemed to be a vegetable wholesale area full of trucks and people staggering around with sacks of produce on their heads and shoulders.  Really interesting, but really dusty and smelly too. Finally found the beach we had been looking for, then, having had enough of the sun we headed for a nice air conditioned mall to have lunch.  Next stop Kochi.

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