Thursday 8 August 2013

England and Wales going south

Taking advice from Chris, the first stop was Chester an historic walled city with yet another amazing cathedral. After that we headed on to Llangollen for our first night in Wales.  Old country pub with another Cistercian abbey ruin from the 1200s nearby.

Heading south the next morning we discovered an amazing aquaduct for canal boats, it was pretty high up, Dave wasn't comfortable going more than a few steps onto it.  I was fractionally more brave, actually managing to step out and take some photos.  Drove down through the middle of Wales and made our way to Chris' sister's house for the night. We added ourselves into their local pub quiz team, but that didn't do anything for their results! Not last, but definitely not first either.

Next morning we saw Caerphilly Castle then headed on to Bath. £5.60 for parking! Lots of  lovely sandstone buildings and the Roman Baths of course. Not overly impressed. Carried on our road trip heading for Wellington.  Stopped in a country pub for lunch and caught a bit of the Somerset drawl.

Next day we back tracked up to see Dunster Castle. Well 'preserved', it was more of a stately home than a castle.  The snooker table played very true as Dave discovered when invited to have a hit. The village alongside the castle was very quaint, plus there was a delicious fudge shop.  Left here and headed off down the coast road towards Cornwall. Seriously underestimated the amount of time required to wind through all  the country roads so we didn't get as far into Cornwall as we were hoping to, only got to Wadebridge then started heading across Devon towards Weymouth.

Arrived in Weymouth and found our hotel.  Thought we had been time warped back into the 50's.  Penny arcades, amusement parlours and even donkey rides on the beach.  The place was packed with holidaymakers though, UK is having its best summer for years apparently.

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