Monday 12 August 2013


Arrived in London late Friday afternoon after train delays and proceeded to find our hotel in Southall. We arrived at the Southall station and were ask by an Indian chap, 'have you been on holiday', we replied by saying that we are in the middle of our travels and that India is next, his response was, 'you have found India right here', he was correct, Southall is predominantly Indian residents.
Saturday morning and after an hours travel on train and tubes, we arrived at the Borough Markets to meet and have breakfast with Caitlin and Gub, friends of Gabe from school, it was great to see them. Next was a walk over London Bridge to the Tower of London where we spent several hours delving into London's history and looking at the Crown Jewels etc.  The Yeoman Guard who took us around should have been on the stage, good value, but also got lots of information across as well.  Unfortunately it was all so interesting that the next destination was closed when we got there, so we had another beer, booked 'Stomp' tickets for Sunday and went home. Somalian for tea.
Day two started with a 1 hour wait to see the changing of the guards, we got sick of wating so we started our sightseeing of the famous 1 sq mile.
Stomp at 3pm (great show) and dinner in Soho.
Day three started with another Cathedral, St Paul's. This place was really impressive but you can't stop thinking of the people all that money could have helped at the time of its construction.  Dave did really well and managed to make it up to the outside viewing platform.  I was impressed!
We had a pint at the Old Swiss Cottage and then off to Abbey Road to walk over the zebra crossing with everybody else. Indian for dinner at Southall and an early night as tomorrow's Heathrow check in is at 8am.
India here we come...

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