Saturday 16 March 2013

Spain to Portugal

Finished off wandering in Seville, in the sunshine this time. Had a tour through a 250 year old bullring, don't think I could watch a fight but it was interesting and apparently it still sells out everytime.
Bussed up to Merida on Thursday, a World Heritage site due to all the preserved 1st century Roman sites and a few Visigoth ones too(6th century). See a few photos below. We took heaps.  Quite amazing walking over a 2000 yr old bridge!
Bussed to Lisbon yesterday (Fri), just ate and then hit the sack.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!! we saw a program about Portugal last nite and mentioned getting you 2 to check it out!!! it did look very nice! we eagerly await the photos and your version. M&D
