Sunday 17 March 2013


Last of 3 nights here. Hotel was a cheap deal, but it still surprised me a bit. Took  several attempts and different passwords to get the wi-fi going,  got upstairs to find we had to finish making our beds, then discovered no remotes for the aircon (essential for drying the washing!), and the Tv and a sloping roof we have to keep ducking  down under. Also has to be the smallest shower box I have ever seen, you can't have both elbows out at once soaping yourself! 
Maybe all this clouded my first impressions of Lisbon, but I haven't felt that comfortable here. Felt better wandering the medinas at night in Morocco than I have felt here. When you look around there are some lovely old buildings and the differently painted houses, but  there is also rampant graffiti everywhere that makes the place look unloved.
We did wander through a pretty amazing 500 year old monastery today though.
Tomorrow we hope to grab a rental car   and head up the coast.  We are hoping the smaller coastal towns might be more to our liking.

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