Saturday 23 March 2013


The second largest city in Portugal, half the size of Lisbon, with a much nicer feel to the city.
Returned the rental intact, just, a couple of hairy moments as we got into the city,  but Dave managed to avoid disaster.
We played tourists today, looked through a cathredal that was built in the 1100's, lots of gold leaf decoration, then through the Porto Cathredal, lots of amazing wooden carvings, and the catacombs next door.  Then we took a boat trip on the river for an hour which gave us a different perspective on the cityscape. After that we wandered over the bridge and did a bit of port tasting at some of the old port wineries. Offley established in 1762 and a couple of others... Very pleasant. Just got back to the hotel after 9 hours or so of wandering around. Will have a less touristy day tomorrow.

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