Sunday 31 March 2013

Burgos & Tolosa

Raining in Burgos during our tourist period however we managed to walk 2k to the old town and took photos. Another amazing cathedral followed by black pudding and sangria for lunch. Good Friday and full of people on holiday and locals going to church.
In the evening we had a meal in a building built in 1506, now a bar, full of locals (simple but great authentic food) and plenty of wine. Shared a bottle with Barb and had a go at drinking out of a porron (like a small carafe with a spout on it). Quite an art not fully mastered first time around. Unfortunately didn't have the camera to capture the moment!

Bus to Tolosa the next day (Fine), started raining as we arrived.  Quiet walk around the town, siesta, dinner then bed.
This morning got our guide map and wandered around the local highlights. Another cathedral,  but on  a smaller scale. Only 20,000 people live here, lovely spot. Rowing crews out on the river and lots of people out walking in the sunshine (yes we had a sunny day). Local tourist office put us on to the local cider house for a meal and cider tasting/drinking, straight from the barrel. Made some Basque friends who adopted us. Great afternoon, no need for dinner.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Vigo and Ponferrada

Rain followed us to Vigo... The 300 metre walk from train to hotel turned out to be over a km, and the rain got heavier as we walked. Arrived at hotel saturated! Managed to dry clothes with a heater overnight. Only one night in Vigo so it was rainjackets on again the next morning to check out the castle(vandalised and unloved) and old Celtic settlement which was listed as 3 BC to 3 AD, a bit confused whether that was  years or centuries... Then onto the train to Ponferrada in the afternoon. 5 hour trip.
Ponferrada is on the Pilgrim trail. Also has an amazing old Templar castle (12th century) added on to in 13th, 14th, 15th centuries. Lots of preservation work has been done.  It's amazing wandering around these really old places and imaging how life must have been back then. 
Went out at 10.30pm to watch the El Silencio Easter procession. Crowds of people watching and joining in.
Off to Burgos tomorrow

Saturday 23 March 2013


The second largest city in Portugal, half the size of Lisbon, with a much nicer feel to the city.
Returned the rental intact, just, a couple of hairy moments as we got into the city,  but Dave managed to avoid disaster.
We played tourists today, looked through a cathredal that was built in the 1100's, lots of gold leaf decoration, then through the Porto Cathredal, lots of amazing wooden carvings, and the catacombs next door.  Then we took a boat trip on the river for an hour which gave us a different perspective on the cityscape. After that we wandered over the bridge and did a bit of port tasting at some of the old port wineries. Offley established in 1762 and a couple of others... Very pleasant. Just got back to the hotel after 9 hours or so of wandering around. Will have a less touristy day tomorrow.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Portugal on the Coast

What a difference a day can make..... We picked up a rental car from Lisbon airport and made our escape.  Dave drove his first left hand drive car, and on the other side of the road..... a little fraught at times trying to navigate out of town and adjust to driving on the right, all at the same time, but it was a lot easier going when we got out of the city. Not sorry to leave Lisbon.
Drove to Nazare on the coast. A town based around fishing. The older women wear traditional clothing of skirt, blouse, shoulder wrap and headscarf. I asked a couple if I could take their photo as they looked so cute.
Had a really nice hotel room for 2 nights, but still within budget due to off peak discounts. is great for finding the deals.
We backtracked down the coast on our second day(it's great having the rental) and visited Obidos, a little medieval village still surrounded by old walls. Drank a hot chocolate in the partial remains of a prison built in the 1100's.
Wednesday morning hit the road and headed on further up the coast to Figueira da Foz.  A bit bigger than Nazare, we have a place up on the hill and it is freezing tonight. Head off again tomorrow to go inland a bit to Vale da Cambra.

Sunday 17 March 2013


Last of 3 nights here. Hotel was a cheap deal, but it still surprised me a bit. Took  several attempts and different passwords to get the wi-fi going,  got upstairs to find we had to finish making our beds, then discovered no remotes for the aircon (essential for drying the washing!), and the Tv and a sloping roof we have to keep ducking  down under. Also has to be the smallest shower box I have ever seen, you can't have both elbows out at once soaping yourself! 
Maybe all this clouded my first impressions of Lisbon, but I haven't felt that comfortable here. Felt better wandering the medinas at night in Morocco than I have felt here. When you look around there are some lovely old buildings and the differently painted houses, but  there is also rampant graffiti everywhere that makes the place look unloved.
We did wander through a pretty amazing 500 year old monastery today though.
Tomorrow we hope to grab a rental car   and head up the coast.  We are hoping the smaller coastal towns might be more to our liking.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Spain to Portugal

Finished off wandering in Seville, in the sunshine this time. Had a tour through a 250 year old bullring, don't think I could watch a fight but it was interesting and apparently it still sells out everytime.
Bussed up to Merida on Thursday, a World Heritage site due to all the preserved 1st century Roman sites and a few Visigoth ones too(6th century). See a few photos below. We took heaps.  Quite amazing walking over a 2000 yr old bridge!
Bussed to Lisbon yesterday (Fri), just ate and then hit the sack.

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Well the wet weather seems to be following us around but we put on our rain jackets and headed out into the streets of Seville. Lots of old cobbled streets, obviously not designed for motor vehicles, I guess it is the first of many old European cities we will be seeing, but the age of some of the buildings - 1300's - some of them, is hard to get your head around when you look at how young NZ is in comparison.
Visited a little church, Basilica de la Macarena, very ornate,  but it turns out it was only built in the 1930s! Also visited Seville Museum of Art (ancient, not modern). You would have been impressed SallyMay! Lots of paintings from the 15 and 1600's.  We were able to study them up close too, amazing to see the detail and the scale of some of the works was huge, you can see the height of people against the paintings.

A few more landmarks to wander around tomorrow, hopefully without the rain this time.


Sunday 10 March 2013


We've crossed the Straits of Gibralta and have made our way to Jerez. First glass of wine for some time... All good. Nice hotel again.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Last night in Morocco

Staying at Hotel Continental, looks like it has been very grand in years gone by.  Still nice, if a little faded...
Fast ferry to Tarifa in the morning.
Goodbye mint tea... Hello Europe.

Friday 8 March 2013


Went for a 8 km walk yesterday and saw Jimi and the Beetles.

Heading back to Marrakech today to catch overnight train to Tangier.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Essaouira on the Coast

Thought we would come here for a beach  break. Pity about the  4 days of rain forecast to coincide with our stay. Has  actually been fine most  of today, but not quite enough to  dry our knickers. Walked the medina, ate some food, now back at our really nice riad. Definitely a step up from the last one, but  only NZD 50 at the current discounted rates. Actually has plumbing   that works efficiently, always a bonus!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Marrakesh Day 3

Bought tickets to Essaouira, and train to Tangier for next Friday. Walked for miles in new city and medina.  Bought scarf after being wrapped up berber style, wanted 250, paid 40 dirham.

Day 3 Marrakesh

Getting a bit over Marrakesh now but still 2 nights left here. Walked to the new city. Covered a few kms again. Bus to Essaouira booked for 4th, 4 nights, beachside, so time to relax a bit, maybe.