Monday 16 September 2013

Kerala: Alleppey, Varkala, Trivandrum

Dave's cold that he had been incubating, decided to arrive in force as we boarded our overnight backwater houseboat.  We were still also feeling a bit cautious with too much spicy food, so unfortunately most of the delicious 'typical Kerala' food remained uneaten by us.  The cook and captain had generous leftovers!  The overnight trip around the backwaters was interesting,  but could probably have been covered easily in a half day trip.
After the night on the boat we transferred to a guesthouse in Alleppey for 3 nights.  Dave was absolutely dripping with sweat as soon as he moved a muscle, so on the 2nd day of this our host took us to a local private hospital for a check up.  The charges as a foreign tourist: Consultation, ECG test and prescription charges - $8 NZ.  Unbelievable.
Moved on to Varkala, on The Cliffs, a laid back community consisting of quite a number of expats and tourists.  Found a great 'real coffee' place which we frequented for breakfast. Dave was still swallowing his tablets and sweating flat out so I had a couple of solo swims in the pool.  We were really just taking it easy and filling time until our flight out of  India.
Short taxi ride down the coast to Trivandrum for our last night in India. Our hotel was gorgeous, had a swimming pool and was also close to the beach, so we spent some time watching the local fishermen pulling in nets and launching their boats. It was a real spoil for our last night.

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