Wednesday 22 May 2013


Caught a 'real' bus for a change, approx. 8 hour trip from Sarande to Athens.... turned into an 11 hour epic, but that included about 2 hours or so at the exit Albania, enter Greece border. We lost 2 of our passengers there.
Did one of our 1 day tourist blasts around Athens. Not too bad for crowds, way less than Rome.  We are starting to get 'ruin fatigue' after the number of old sites we have seen in various places on our travels so far, however, that said, you can't help but be impressed by all the sites, especially things like the Acropolis /Parthenon, probably because of the familarity of those images. You get a good view over the 'new' Athens from up there as well.

Next morning we were on the ferry to Paros, about 4 hours ferry ride from Piraeus. The incredible blue seas that you see in images of the Greek Islands actually are real!  Really gorgeous deep blue. We are booked into an apartment for 4 nights. Water is still a bit cool, but swimable. Living the dream...

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