Thursday 28 February 2013


Caught train from Casablanca to Marrakesh this morning. Booked in  for 4 days here at Riad Abla. Friendly hosts, not much english but we are managing with a smidgeon of schoolgirl french, hand signals, and their minimal english. Have had a short walk, sticking to the street the Riad is on, will explore more tomorrow.
Found Hannah's hotel on our short walk.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


Arrived in Casablanca after 25 hours flying/hanging around airports. Out of the train station and straight into it. Some quite heated competition for taxi fare. Good nights sleep then spent yesterday walking, getting lost and found until our feet nearly fell off. Off to Marrakesh today. Plan to stay a few days there and relax a bit.

Monday 25 February 2013

Mongrel Creek Winery

Tried to post this before the Doha post. Not sure what happened. Fantastic couple of days, sampling delicious wines.

In transit to Casablanca -Doha Airport

3hours to kill here. Next stopover Tunis.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Last stop in Australia

We have made our way across to Pertth and met up with Shirl.  Now down at Mongrel Creek winery for couple of days.  Tickets are booked to fly out to Casablanca Monday night and first hotel booked right near the Medina. Will post some photoa of Mongrel Creek after happy hour tonight.

Saturday 16 February 2013

BBQ at Felix and Marie-Katrin's

A mini MWH reunion last night.

About to go and pick up a relocatable van to head off down the coast to see Dave and Faye and then deliver the van to Melbourne. We've got till 3pm on 20th to get it there. A bit of driving to do...